Thursday 18 October 2012

Using Bubblr

Hi readers,

New day, new tools. Today I would like to introduce a new interesting teaching site called

WHAT is Bubblr?

Bubblr is a tool that allows users to create comic strips using photos from It is very useful for teachers to teach the students through presentations or to ask the students to make a presentation based on the given topic.

Here is an example of it.

HOW to use Bubblr with students?

  • Teachers could create various Task Based Language Teaching and Learning activities using this tool. For instance, students are divided into five groups and the teacher introduces a topic, Places to Visit in Malaysia. Then, the students are required to do research based on their respective subtopic and present their findings using Bubblr.


  • Develop the sense of ownership or personalisation by giving freedom to students to create their own presentation by choosing their preferred pictures and descriptions. 
  • Develop students' creativity.
  • Encourage learner autonomy.
  • Helps teachers in teaching methodology- develop creativity to avoid the same old-school ways of teaching.


  • Internet connection is essential 24/7
  • The work could not be edited once it is published.
  • There are too many pictures in Flickr, thus it is hard to decide on suitable pictures for the presentation.
  • Could not add music and animation. 

Thursday 11 October 2012


Hi readers, 

Today I would like to introduce an interesting teaching site called

WHAT is Dvolver?

Dvolver is a tool that allows users to create animation based on their own dialogues and preferred characters. It is very useful for teachers to grab students' attention in learning language as students are free to make their own animation and create dialogue. Dvolver is suitable for secondary school learners with low and intermediate levels of English proficiency. 

This is one of the examples of using Dvolver:

HOW to use Dvolver with students?

1. Select the background for the movie.

2. Next, select a plot for the movie. 

3. Then, choose the characters for the movie.

4. Create dialogues for the characters based on the story line.

5. Choose the suitable background music for the movie. Students could also create the movie without the music background. 

6. Then, select the design for the movie title. In this section, students are free to create title of their movie and write their names as the director of the movie.

7. Once the movie has been created, students could email their works to teacher.

There are also tutorial video(s) on how to use Dvolver available on Check this out:


  • Develops teachers' creativity in language teaching.
  • Enhance students' creativity in making their own movie and creating dialogues.
  • Participation in class could be increased through interesting teaching tools like Dvolver.
  • Promotes autonomous learning.
  • Students could learn to use language based on different contexts.
  • This website is FREE.


  • The background, characters, and the music background available in the web are limited.
  • Students might use inappropriate language in creating dialogues, thus it is difficult to achieve the objectives of language teaching and learning.
  • Some students, especially low level students, might have difficulties in finding suitable vocabulary and creating their own dialogues.
  • Schools with no or limited internet connection might have problems in using this tool.